Reliable Canada Standard Temporary Fence & Temp Fence Supplier Since 2006

Temporary Fence Rental vs. Buying temp fence Guides

 ​When you need to secure an area, whether for a construction site, event, or any other purpose, a temporary fence is often the best solution. But, do you consider to Temporary Fence Rental or buy? And if buying, do you consider local providers or manufacturers from China? Let's dive into the pros, cons, and intricacies of these options.

What does it mean Temporary Fencing Rental

When you rent something, you pay to use it for a certain period. Think of it like borrowing a book from a library. But instead of a book, you're borrowing a temporary fence, and instead of returning it after reading, you return it after you've used it for the time you agreed on. And just like you might pay a fee if you keep a library book for too long, you also pay for the time you use the fence.

Why Would Someone Rent a Temporary Fence? There are many reasons. Let's say you are having a big outdoor event, like a concert or a fair. You might need to control where people go or to make sure the event stays safe. For these reasons, you would need a fence. But once the event is over, you don't need the fence anymore. So, instead of buying one and then wondering what to do with it after, you can just rent one for the day or week.

How Does Temporary Fence Rental Work?

  1. Find a Rental Company: First, you find a company that offers temporary fencing for rent.

  2. Decide How Long: You decide how long you'll need the fence. It could be for a day, a week, a month, or even longer.

  3. Setup and Tear Down: Some companies will set the fence up for you and then take it down when you're done. Others might ask you to do it.

  4. Pay for the Service: You then pay the company for using their fence. The price can depend on how long you rent it and how big the fence is.

  5. Return: When the rental time is up, the fence goes back to the company. If the company set it up for you, they would come and take it away. If you set it up, you might need to return it yourself.

What's Great About Temporary Fence Rental ?

  • Flexibility: You get to decide how long you need the fence. When you're done, you just give it back.

  • No Long-Term Commitment: You don't have to worry about what to do with the fence after your event or project.

  • Cost: Sometimes, it can be cheaper to rent, especially if you only need the fence for a short time.

Common rental periods.

  1. Daily: Some people Temporary Fence Rental just for one day. This is common for events or parties that last only a day.

  2. Weekly: If you have a week-long event or project, like a fair or construction work, you might rent the fence for the whole week.

  3. Monthly: For bigger projects that last several weeks, a monthly rental might be best.

  4. Several Months: Some projects or building sites need a fence for a few months. In these cases, the fence can be rented for that longer period.

  5. Event-Based: Sometimes, the rental period is based on the event's length, like a festival or carnival, whether it's two days, three days, or more.

So, when you want to rent a temporary fence, think about how long your event or project will last. Then you can choose the best rental period for your needs.

Advantages of Temporary Fence Rental

When you have a project or an event, deciding how to manage your boundary or safety needs can be a challenge. One popular choice is to rent a temporary fence. But why do people prefer renting over buying? Let's break down some top reasons in detail.

1. No Worries About Storage After Use

Imagine buying a long, sturdy fence for a one-time event. Once the event ends, you're left with the big question: "Where do I keep this?" Fences, even the temporary ones, take up space. Not everyone has a large storage area. Renting takes away this headache. After your event or project finishes:

  • You don't need a big garage or storage room.

  • There's no need to protect the fence from rain, sun, or snow, as you won't be keeping it.

  • No more thinking about the next time you'll use it. It's out of sight and out of mind.

2. The Temporary Fence Rental Company Looks After Maintenance

One big advantage of renting is that you're not alone in taking care of the fence. With ownership comes responsibility. Fences can get damaged, rusty, or need some fixes now and then. When you rent:

  • If a part of the fence breaks, you don't have to fix it. The rental company does.

  • Regular upkeep like painting or checking for weak spots? The company has it covered.

  • You save money and time, as you don't need to buy repair tools or spend hours fixing things up.

3. It's Perfect for Short-Term Needs

Renting shines especially when you need something only for a short time. Let's think about this:

  • Are you hosting a weekend event? Renting is perfect.

  • Got a short-term construction project? Rent a fence just for those days.

  • Organizing a community fair that lasts a couple of days? Why buy when you can rent?

In these situations:

  • You get the benefit of a secure boundary without the long-term commitment.

  • Your costs are lower, as you're only paying for the time you use the fence.

  • The flexibility of renting means you can choose different fences for different events.

Disadvantages of Temporary Fence Rental

Renting can seem like the perfect answer to your fencing needs. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Let's dive into some reasons why renting might not always be the best option for everyone.

1. Costs Can Add Up Over Time

Imagine renting a fence month after month for a project. While it might seem cheap at first, the costs can slowly creep up:

  • Think about paying a small amount regularly. Over time, these payments might exceed the cost of just buying a fence outright.

  • For long projects, say a year or more, you might end up spending more on rent than if you had bought a fence at the beginning.

2. Can't Make It Just the Way You Want

When you rent, you get what the rental company offers. But what if you have a specific look or feature in mind? Here's the problem:

  • Rental companies might not offer many design choices. So, you're stuck with what they have.

  • Want a special color or design to match your event theme? You might not find it in the rental options.

  • Need a particular height or material? Again, choices might be limited.

3. You Might Not Get the Best Fencing Out There

When we rent something, we hope it's top-quality. But that's not always the case:

  • Some rental companies might give out older fences that have seen better days. They might not be in the best shape.

  • Newer, more modern fences with better features might be available in the market. But rental companies might not always edit their inventory quickly.

  • This means you might be missing out on better, more secure, or more attractive fencing options.

Why Buy Temporary Fencing from China?

China: The World's Factory

Many people around the world choose to buy products from China. Ever wondered why? It's because China is like a massive factory for the whole world! They make so many things there, from toys to technology and yes, even temporary fencing.

1. Huge Manufacturing Power

China doesn't just make a few things. They make a lot! This is why many call China the "World's Factory". When you buy a temporary fence from China, you're tapping into this big production power.

2. Money-Saving Benefits

Because China makes so many things and has many factories, they can make products for a lower price. It's like when you buy in bulk from a store and get a discount:

  • Many factories in one place mean they can get materials easily and for less money.

  • These savings get passed down to the buyer. That means when you buy a fence from China, you might get it for a better price than from other places.

3. Advanced Techniques and Tools

China doesn't just make things cheaply. They also make things using advanced tools and techniques:

  • Chinese factories use modern machines and technologies. This helps them make fences quickly and with good quality.

  • They also have a lot of experience. Many factories have been making products for years and years. So, they know how to do it right.

Advantages of Buying Temporary Fencing from China

1. More Bang for Your Buck

One of the biggest reasons to buy anything from China is that it's often more affordable. This doesn’t just apply to the first purchase:

  • Think about it: if you're working on many projects over the years, buying a fence once and reusing it can save a lot of money. This is compared to renting a fence every time you have a new project.

  • In the long run, your wallet will thank you for buying a good-quality fence at a great price from China.

2. Endless Choices Just for You

China's manufacturing game is strong. This means you're not just stuck with one or two choices:

  • Want a specific color or design? No problem. Chinese manufacturers often offer more customization options because they have the tools and skills to do so.

  • This means your fence can match your company colors, or fit in perfectly with the environment where you use it while if go Temporary Fence Rental just offer very few options.

3. Use Now, Sell Later

One great thing about buying a fence is that it's an investment:

  • If you take care of it, a good-quality fence from China can last a long time. So, even after your project ends, the fence can still be in good shape.

  • This means you can choose to sell it to someone else or use it for a different project in the future.

  • It's like buying a car. After a few years, if you want a new one, you can sell the old one. With a good-quality fence, you have this option.

4. Quality Control

Many might think that buying from China means compromising on quality. That's not true:

  • Many Chinese manufacturers follow international standards when making products. So, you're getting a product that meets global quality benchmarks.

  • They use good materials and modern methods to make sure the fence is strong and durable.

5. Support and Service

Another advantage is the support you can get:

  • Many Chinese suppliers give great customer service. They can guide you on how to set up the fence or how to take care of it.

  • Some even provide warranties. So, if there's a problem, they can help fix it.

Disadvantages of Buying Temporary Fencing from China

1. Money Up Front

When you buy from China, you need to pay first. This means:

  • You have to spend a larger amount of money right at the start. Unlike renting where you can pay a little bit at a time, buying requires a bigger one-time payment.

2. Waiting for Your Fencing

Sometimes, there are delays:

  • Your fencing might take a while to reach you. Why? Because it has to come from another country.

  • This means waiting longer than if you bought it locally.

  • Also, there might be extra time spent at customs. This is where they check goods that come into the country. If they take longer to check, you have to wait more.

3. Compare with Temporary Fence Rental You have to Handle Fixes and Storage

Once you buy the fence, it's yours. This means:

  • If something breaks or wears out, you have to fix it. There's no rental company to call for repairs.

  • When you're not using the fence, you need a place to keep it. This might be a storage room or a warehouse. Either way, you need space.

  • You have to make sure the fence stays in good condition. That might mean regular checks and cleaning.

Now its time to choose BMP 

1. Affordable Pricing with Flexible Payment Plans

BMP understands that initial costs can be daunting. Hence:

  • We offer competitive prices, making the up-front payment more manageable.

  • For our trusted partners and bulk buyers, flexible payment plans are available. This way, you can stretch out your payments over time, similar to a rental.

2. Swift and Reliable Shipping

Our experience in the export business has honed our delivery process:

  • BMP has established strong relationships with leading shipping companies. This ensures quicker deliveries with fewer delays.

  • We handle all the paperwork, ensuring the customs process is as smooth and swift as possible. Our team is adept at navigating international shipping regulations, reducing the chances of unexpected hold-ups.

3. Quality Assurance and Post-purchase Support

We stand by the quality of our products:

  • Every BMP fence undergoes rigorous quality checks before shipping. This reduces the chances of you receiving a faulty product.

  • Should any issue arise, our customer support is available round the clock to assist you. We're committed to ensuring our clients are satisfied, even post-purchase.

  • For those worried about storage and maintenance, BMP offers guides and tips on how to efficiently store and maintain your fence. We even have partnerships with storage solution providers to help you get the best deals.

4. Customized Solutions to Match Your Needs

While standard products have their merits, we know each client is unique:

  • BMP offers customization options to fit the exact needs of your project.

  • Want a unique color, design, or size? We have you covered. With BMP, you're not just buying a product; you're getting a solution tailored to you.

Comparison Table: Rental vs. Buying from China

Criteria Temporary Fencing Rental Buying from China
Initial Costs Low/Moderate Moderate/High
Maintenance Responsibility Rental Company Buyer
Customization Options Limited High
Long-term Costs Can be high for prolonged projects One-time purchase, potential for resale
Availability Subject to rental company's inventory Manufactured to order

Our Experience with BMP

Brief about BMP's involvement in temporary fencing:

Since its foundation in 2006, BMP has grown to become an industry leader in the temporary fencing market, especially catering to the Canadian sector. With over a decade of dedication, BMP has always been at the forefront, constantly innovating to provide the best solutions for clients. The company's journey began with a mission to deliver top-notch fencing solutions that meet the demanding challenges of the construction, events, and other sectors requiring temporary fencing.

Fence base 

Top Coupler

Fence Panels

Insights from client feedback:

Over the years, BMP has collected extensive feedback from its clients, which has played a pivotal role in its evolution. Clients frequently commend BMP for its:

  • Quality: The fences supplied are durable and stand the test of time, even in harsh Canadian weather.

  • Service: BMP's customer service stands out, always ensuring clients have what they need and addressing concerns promptly.

  • Value for Money: The combination of top-grade material and fair pricing means that clients get the best bang for their buck.

The continuous positive feedback has been the driving force for BMP, motivating the company to constantly refine its offerings and set industry standards.


  1. When to consider Temporary Fence Rental and when to buy:

    • Renting might be a suitable choice for one-off events or short-term construction projects where the fencing requirement is temporary, and there's no plan for repeated use.

    • Buying becomes a more economical choice when the project duration extends or when the need for fencing recurs often. Additionally, when customization or branding is essential, purchasing might be the way to go.

  2. Factors to evaluate before making a decision:

    • Duration: Estimate the length of time you'll need the fence. If it's short, consider renting, but if it's long or frequent, buying might be cost-effective.

    • Budget: While renting can seem economical initially, repeated rentals can add up. Buying offers a one-time investment that can be advantageous in the long run.

    • Custom Needs: If you need specific modifications, colors, or branding on your fence, purchasing allows this flexibility.

    • Storage: Do you have space to store the fences if you buy them? If storage is an issue, consider the logistics.

fence gates

In conclusion, BMP, with its extensive experience in the temporary fencing industry, always strives to guide clients towards decisions that match their needs and budget. The goal is to ensure every client gets the best value, whether they choose to Temporary Fence Rental or buy.


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